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The least and the most impacted occupations


Job Sector

A group of jobs in the economy that have similar features

We collected 20 job sectors from the O*NET database (version 26.3, released in May 2022), a widely used resource for occupational studies.

Job Title

The title given to a job in a job sector

We found 749 different job titles from the O*NET database.

Number of Impacted Tasks

The number of tasks in a job impacted by AI patents

We collected 17,879 tasks, with each job having between 4 to 286 tasks (median of 20).

AI Impact (AII) Index

This measures how much AI could affect a job's tasks by comparing each task to AI patents

We calculated the AI impact by finding the most similar patent to each task using a similarity score.

Top 5 Tasks Most Impacted by AI Patents

The 5 tasks in a job most impacted by AI patents

We compared AI patents with job tasks to find which tasks have the highest similarity to the patents.

AI Patents

The AI patents that are most similar to the job tasks

We identified them by comparing the text of the patents with the descriptions of the tasks.

AI Occupational Exposure (AIOE) Index

A different way to measure AI's effect on jobs, based on a study by Felten et al. (2021)

They linked AI technologies to job skills using a survey, and then calculated how much each job skill is exposed to AI.


Ali Akbar Septiandri, Marios Constantinides, Daniele Quercia

The Potential Impact of AI Innovations on U.S. Occupations, PNAS NEXUS 2024

Data Visualization: Edyta Bogucka, Marios Constantinides, Daniele Quercia

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